A downloadable game

THE ORB is a one page, 1-2 player TTPRG race that can be played in 10-30 minutes. (Or longer if the dice aren't cooperating!) 


You are an interdimensional entity tasked with retrieving THE ORB after it was left behind in our world due to an administrative mix-up, and now the future of several levels of this reality branch relies on you retrieving THE ORB. It is currently located in a high security containment facility. Due to the ontokinetic properties of THE ORB, the closest you can be teleported for retrieval is outside of this facility's gates.

In order to retrieve THE ORB you must bypass security measures including cameras and locks. If you are about to be seen by a camera, you will be instantly transported to your most recent checkpoint to avoid a ██████████ scenario. 


Players choose a stealth suit option that fits their strategy and roll 4 d6 and assign them to round out their character stats. They then race to the end of the map. Along the way they will have to pass checks using 2-3 d6 to open doors and gates. After each turn, a d6 is rolled to determine which direction the security camera looks. If that corresponds with the number next to the player's space on the map, they must pass a 2d6 detection check. If they are detected, they return to the most recently passed checkpoint. The first player to get to THE ORB and pass the required check wins! 

This game is still in development for the 2024 One Page RPG game jam, so any feedback is always welcome!


The Orb One Page Ruleset 0_1 81 kB
The Orb Facilty Map 194 kB

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